Friday, May 22, 2009

Shitty End

With the end of the league stage of the Premier League, we have had enough surprises. The most interesting of these being firstly,the raise of the tail. Yesteryear’s underdogs, Mallaiah’s Bottlewalas and ball-buster Gullychrist’s Dakkhans have made it 3 teams from the South to make it to the semis. Secondly,and even more interesting being the flop show of the defending champions. Ever since they have lifted the coveted trophy many desi/firangi babus and memsahibs have been eying to buy a stake of the team led by game’s biggest sexpot, Shane Horny. We all know who has won the race. With her charm and size-zero skills, Big Sister not only made a plumpy deal but also had a couple of new methods to be practiced with her team.

When asked why she opted only for this team, she said “I have a very strong connection with the desert-land. My mom’s uncle’s neighbour’s cousin’s father-in-law’s brother’s wife’s family is originally from here” !!! least did she know then that her team, the SimplyShitters would be returning home much faster than you and me actually took to decode that sentence of hers.

The team now had stricter schedule and all the players (and their gals), the staff and the skipper had a "must-wake-up" call at 5 A.M. Reason??? Big Sister’s yoga special to stay phit and run phast !! None complained though as they were more focused than they ever have been on the ground to enjoy nature’s amazingly curved creation. Can anyone have a even more hot mentor in a 4-inch top and even smaller shorts. None of us would have come out of the school if we had one though. But I don't think these luscious looks went unnoticed. Common, Sister’s brain is not size-zero, she has chosen the best team!(atleast thought so). But we know all this while Horny must have been more worried about how to get his balls into these black...oops block-holes tonight.

It was a whole different story too on the pitch. She just couldn’t witness her suicide-squad on the field and instead preferred to close her eyes and chant a mantra or two to make the opponents sympathetic. Least did she know that she would have the surprise of her life when she opened her eyes as half of the SimplyShitters were back in the pavilion and Horny was already pumping up to get his balls right in those block-holes(or whichever holes he meant!)


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  2. Going to post something for the world cup T20?
